Journey not only looks back on the time since the first release, but also on the whole span of years since the first note was composed. It describes the musical and everyday journey through life and for the first time forms a kind of feedback to the rather quiet and melodic beginnings of the project.
The album picks up a mixture of ideas and inspirations from the years 2015 to 2019. Even though the sound has changed significantly over the years and now returns to more soft and spherical tones, this album can be seen on a meta level as representative for the journey of Back Down Scenario as a whole.
The third release deals with a variety of moods and tribulations of life, but largely describes the difficult and challenging parts of the path. This is interrupted from time to time by restful and energizing breaks in order not to lose oneself completely in the shadow.
Referring to the songwriting times from 2005 to 2008, the slowly progressing change becomes visible here as well. The foundation of the songs of this EP were mostly composed between 2009 and 2013.
Like on Back to Reality, the main focus is still on Rock and Metal and integrates partly melodic-progressive elements to further transport the rather dark and gloomy mood. In the end, however, it dissolves in a mix of warmth and confidence.
Following the debut album after less than a year this release is stylistically much more at home in rock and metal. Nevertheless, the EP shows both the logical and musical continuation of the themes highlighted by A Gate to the Past.
Also in terms of timing, it is the direct successor to the debut album. The raw versions of the songs can be classified in the years 2007 and 2008. At the same time, the song When Rain Starts Falling shows a much more pronounced progressive coloration.
In the context of A Gate to the Past, however, first tendencies can already be seen retrospectively, e.g. with the song Enlightened Path. Torn out of this album, it would also fit perfectly on this EP.
The first album offers a glimpse into the early beginnings of the project. The songs were written between 2005 and 2007 and were finally composed and recorded in autumn and winter 2016. In early 2017, Back Down Scenario therefore saw its first public appearance, although it had been developed piece by piece behind closed doors for many years.
Stylistic variations of melodic compositions, rock and partly metal influences, as well as melancholic to cheerful themes form the tension between the songs on the album. All in all a relaxed and supporting atmosphere around the beginnings of the project is created with versatile and varied sounds and impressions.